On the third instalment in our Summer '22 series: weaponized words. The first of two shows sounding off on speech, we've stitched together a variety of verbiage, from all about threats to speech in part two to all about threats via speech here in part one.
Featured voices this podcast include (in order of appearance):
// CREDITS: Creative Commons music this episode includes “Purpur” by Misha Dioxin, “Billy Gomberg remix” by Billy Gomberg, “If You’re Ther” by Nicola Ratti, “Snowfall” by Steinbruchel, “She Walked in and Changed Nothing” by smallertide, and “Inescapable” by Soft and Furious. Our opening theme is “Bad Nostalgia (Instrumental)” by Anthem of Rain; our closing theme is “Garden Tiger” by Pictures of the Floating World. This episode was hosted/produced/edited by Rick Harp; production assistance by Courteney Morin.